Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thomas Family

We had such lovely November weather and stunning backlighting for this session! As a photographer you can't ask for much more. Oh yeah, other than a fun family, which the Thomas' definitely are. So basically the makings of a great session were all in place and I love how their pictures turned out! Their girls are so photogenic and have the most amazing blue eyes! Add in a little two year old sass for some excitement and this was such a fun session!

This little lady is not lacking in personality! She is a crack up!

The little miss wanted a pop tart. Her parents tried to convince her to eat a small, clean treat or snack, but no, it was a pop tart she wanted.  Little people really are the boss sometimes, not grown ups. :)

These pictures cracked me up- I don't know if someone liked getting their cheeks kissed...

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