Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Lesa Belle's Newborns

This lucky little lady was adopted by some of the most amazing people I know.  She was a very cooperative baby. Newborn pictures are always some of my favorites because how can you not fall in love with a tiny, sweet baby?  I loved every minute of my session with this darling little lady.  I've got three rowdy little boys and hanging out with a sweet little girl made me want one of my own. I love all things girly and so of course I was so excited about all the cute headbands, wraps, bows and pink. Here's a few highlights of the session with her.

The one pose that she didn't want to cooperate for was this one. Can you blame her? Seems a little uncomfortable. She peed all over her Dad before we got her to settle into this happy face. Ha ha. Still adorable, even if she wasn't a happy camper just because of the contrast between her tiny body and hands and his.

1 comment:

  1. Gentri these are beautiful! You did an amazing job. It was fun to see you in action!
