Thursday, October 30, 2014

MacLean Family Fall 2014

It's always a pleasure to take pictures for this darling family. They are so photogenic!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Baby Ella

I loved taking pictures of this 4 month old beauty. She's such a happy baby and so smiley. She was so fun to work with, as was her mom who has become a good friend!

And for some bloopers because I can't resist... This little girl can sure pull some awesome funny faces!!! I only wish we knew what she was thinking.

Those tummy shots were harder than they looked for her. About 1/4 pictures we took looked like this since she kept putting her head down to take a break. Ha ha!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

My Family "Selfies"

I utterly refuse to pay another photographer to do my family pics until my son is old enough to hold still/cooperate. The last few times I paid big bucks for pictures he didn't look happy/smile/look at the camera in a single one and we spent most of our time fighting him. So not worth it. I've found that he quite likes the "blinky" light on my camera timer and will usually sit/smile for it, so we've done some ourselves. 

 Those eyes! I love his blue eyes.  I didn't edit or enhance them- these are his natural eyes!

We took these in Logan Canyon before the leaves changed.

I had to include this one because to get my son to smile I'll often put something silly on my head when I'm behind the camera. I had my husband taking this (obviously since I'm in it) and my son went and grabbed the dinosaur and put it on my head and it got stuck in my curls. My husband just happened to snap the pic right as he did this, so I kind of love the captured moment, silly as it is.

My nephews & son

I got to take some fun pictures of my nephews and my son since they all have birthdays right around the same time, we wanted some new pictures to celebrate 2 and 4.

This picture captures what this photo session was REALLY like- chasing little boys and promising them marshmallows if they'd sit on the chair and smile, or even just look my direction. 

The marshmallows are a decent bribe, since you can see we got a few of them sitting. There's so much personality in these little boys and you can definitely see it come out in these pictures. All of them are very silly and happy, so these were right on. 

I just have to throw in this gem.  At the end I thought I'd take one of all of them together... they were not having it! Oh well. Boys will be boys.

Tueller's 2 year pics

This cute little girl was our neighbor in NY. I adore her and her sweet little smile! Her mom always refers to her as a little diva, so the boa and zebra print seemed quite fitting.