Friday, August 19, 2016

Herriman High School Dance Company

There is a fun energy doing pictures for a group of high school dancers. It makes me feel young and old at the same time.  I loved doing pictures for these beautiful girls! They're so fun to work with and so sweet.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Hansen Family Pictures

This family is so darling and was so fun to work with! They've got a bunch of fun loving littles that reminded me of my own spunky, wiggly boys. Their girls are just beautiful and so sweet! I'm also partial to twin boys (since I have them as well), so that was fun to get to photograph another set of twins. 

Hattie's Newborns

There is something so amazingly sweet about a newborn. I love doing newborn shoots because it gives me my fix of being able to snuggle a tiny, sleepy baby without having to do the hard stuff like pregnancy, labor and the no-sleep portion that follows all of that. (I've got 3 of my own kids and know plenty about all of that already. Ha ha.)

Seriously though, she is just precious and was so cooperative!  I always love to get one with their eyes open before they fully doze off. That sweet little mouth!

 Little Hattie's dad plays hockey so he really wanted a picture with her and the hockey gloves.